Algebra 1 Placement Test Review
Each year, in the spring, Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School conducts an Algebra 1 placement test. This test is to determine in which level of math an incoming freshman will be placed. The test is comprehensive and is not based upon any one curriculum or textbook. All accepted incoming freshmen are welcome to take the placement test,
The Math Department Chair will evaluate the test results and notify students who scored well enough to be placed in Algebra 1 in the fall semester.
The following is a list of topics which may be included on the test.
I. Solving Equations and Problems:
- Transforming equations
- Using addition or subtraction
- Using multiplication or division
- Solving Problems
II. Polynomials:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Exponents
- Multiplication
- Problem Solving
III. Factoring Polynomials
- Quotients and Factoring
- Products and Factors
- Factoring Patterns
- General Factoring and its application
IV. Fractions
- Algebraic Fractions
- Adding and subtracting algebraic fractions.
V. Applying Fractions
- Ratio and proportion
- Fractional equations
- Percent Problems
- Problems involving exponents
VI. Functions
- Using two variables
- Linear equations
- Functions
- Functions defined by tables and graphs
- Functions defined by equations
- Linear and Quadratic functions
- Exponential functions
- Growth and decay
- Linear and nonlinear rates of change.
VII. Systems of linear equations
- Graphing
- Substitution
- Solving problems with two variables.
- Using the addition or subtraction method
- The multiplication or division method (Linear combination)
VIII. Inequalities
- Inequalities in one variable.
- Combining open sentences.
- Inequalities in two variables.
- Graphing linear equalities
- Systems of linear inequalities.
IX. Rational and irrational numbers
- Rational numbers
- Irrational numbers
- Radical expressions
X. Quadratic Functions
- Quadratic equations
- Using quadratic equations
XI. Data and statistics
- Mean, median and mode.
- Standard deviation
- Frequency and histograms
- Data distributions
- Scatter-plots
- Line of best fit
A study sheet is attached. The actual placement test will include approximately 50 questions chosen from the problem types given in the Study Guide and Sample Test.