Academic Overview
CSHM offers students a diverse and challenging college prep curriculum designed to provide a high school education deeply rooted in the Catholic faith. The school offers a dynamic blend of required and elective courses developed and presented by faculty members who encourage students to develop their full potential both inside and outside of the classroom. Our academic requirements are designed to meet or exceed the admission requirements of all public and private four year universities. A large selection of elective courses are offered in all departments with the largest selection found in the Fine Arts. CSHM offers an extensive WCEA/WASC accredited program that encourages students to develop and master skills needed to become lifelong learners who live their faith.
We are responding in a dynamic way to the changing needs of 21st Century education with the incorporation of our 1:1 iPad program, the use of online textbooks, and an increasing emphasis on student engagement in the learning process. CSHM graduates demonstrate the school's Integral Student Outcomes (ISO's, outlined below): Our graduates are young men and women of Catholic Character and Christian Values, Social Justice Awareness, Harmonious Healthy Living, and Multiple Academic Skills who practice the CSHM motto, Age Cum Anima Christi (Act with the Character of Christ).