MEMO: U.C. & CSU Requirements



The following are the University’s Subject Requirements (A-G)


History...................................................... 2 years (3 recommended) U.S. History & World History / Government & Economics

English..................................................... 4 years

Mathematics............................................. 3 years (4 recommended) including Algebra II

Lab Science............................................. 2 years (3 recommended) Biology & Chemistry

Foreign Language.................................... 2 years (3 recommended) of the same language

Visual and Performing Arts...................... 1 year

College Electives..................................... 2 years


         CSHM College electives are chosen from the following areas

(All are U.C. approved.)

Advanced Mathematics

Honors Precalculus

Precalculus; Probability & Statistics

Calculus AB

Calculus BC

Lab Sciences


AP Biology

Human Anatomy

Sports Medicine*

         *Science elective, not a lab

Foreign Language

AP Spanish (Language & Culture)

Spanish 3

AP Spanish (Literature)

Spanish 4

Social Science

Psychology I & II

AP European History

Fine Arts

Studio Art, AP Studio Art, Drawing I, Drawing  II

Band, Jazz & Improvisational Band

Drama I, Drama II, Honors Drama

Musical Theater, Technical Theater

Filmmaking, Honors Filmmaking



Multimedia Design & Development

Computer Science



Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School

Course Pre-Requisites For Registration








Lit. & Comm. II

Passing grade in Literature & Communication I or C- in Introduction to Literature

Departmental approval


Honors American Literature


AP English Language

B in Honors Survey of Literature

A in Survey of Literature

Departmental Approval


Departmental Approval

Survey of Literature

C in Introduction to Literature


B- in Honors Introduction to Lit.

B in Literature & Comm. I

Departmental Approval


English Literature

Pass American Lit. or B- in Honors American Literature or AP Language

Departmental Approval

Honors Survey of Lit.

B in Honors Intro. To Literature

or A in Introduction to Literature

Departmental Approval


Honors English Literature


AP English Literature

B in Honors American Lit. or

A in American Literature

Departmental Approval


Departmental Approval

American Literature

Pass Survey of Literature

Pass Literature & Comm. II

Departmental Approval


Drama II


Honors Drama

Drama I

Departmental Approval


Drama I, II

Departmental Approval








Biology (Lab)



Physics (Lab)

C in Chemistry or Honors Chemistry ; Concurrent enrollment in Precalculus

Departmental Approval

Honors Biology (Lab)

B in Algebra I and A in Lit. & Comm. I or A in Intro. To Literature or B in Honors Intro. To Literature

Freshman Placement Test


AP Biology (Lab)

Departmental Approval

Chemistry (Lab)

C in Biology

Concurrent enrollment in Geometry or higher mathematics

Departmental Approval


Human Anatomy (Lab)

C  in Biology

Honors Chemistry (Lab)

A- in Biology or B in Honors Biology with concurrent enrollment in Honors Geometry or higher

Departmental Approval


Chemistry Fundamentals


Completion of Biology




 Sports Medicine


Completion  of Biology



Foreign Language







Spanish I



Spanish III

C+ in Spanish II or C in Spanish Speakers II




AP Spanish Language & Culture

A- in Spanish II or  C+ in Spanish Speakers II

Departmental Approval

Spanish Speakers I

Departmental Approval


Spanish IV

A- in Spanish III or C in AP Spanish Language

Departmental Approval

Spanish II

C in Spanish I or C- in Spanish Speakers I


AP Spanish Literature

B- in AP Spanish Language or A- in Spanish III

Departmental Approval

Spanish Speakers II

A- in Spanish I or B- in Spanish Speakers I

Departmental Approval


French I


French II




Pass French I



Fine Arts







Survey of Art




Departmental Approval

Studio Art I





Filmmaking II



Filmmaking I

Drawing I

C in Studio Art I


Honors Filmmaking

Departmental Approval

AP Studio Art

Studio Art, Drawing I

Departmental Approval





Drama I



Jazz & Improvisational Band

Departmental Approval

Drama II


Honors Drama

C in Drama

Departmental Approval


Drama I, II

Departmental Approval




Technical Theater

C in Drama

Departmental Approval


AP Music Theory

Departmental Approval

Musical Theater

C in Drama

Departmental Approval




Multimedia Design and Development




Completion of Geometry

Computer Science

Departmental Approval


Health/Physical Education










Algebra IA

HSPT score or

Pass PreAlgebra


Algebra II

C- in Algebra I or IB and C- in any Geometry and passing grade on Algebra II Readiness Test

Algebra IB

Pass Algebra IA


Honors Algebra II

B+ in Algebra I or A- in IB and C in Honors Geometry or B- in Geometry and passing grade on Algebra II Readiness Test and

Departmental Approval

Algebra I

HSPT score and passing grade on Algebra Readiness Test or

 A-  in Pre-Algebra


Honors Precalculus

A- in Algebra II or B in Honors Algebra II and passing grade on Precalculus Readiness Test and Departmental Approval


Pass Algebra I or IB and passing grade on Geometry Readiness Test



B in Algebra II or C in Honors Algebra II and passing grade on Precalculus Readiness Test


Departmental Approval

Honors Geometry

B+ in Algebra or A- in Algebra IB and passing grade on Geometry Readiness Test

Departmental Approval


AP Calculus AB


AP Calculus BC

A in Pre-calculus or B in Honors Pre-calculus and passing grade on Calculus Readiness Test

Departmental Approval


B- in AP Calculus AB

Departmental Approval


C- in Algebra II

Departmental Approval


Social Studies






World History/Geography



Honors Government/Econ.

B in Honors U.S. History or A in U. S. History

Departmental Approval and Concurrent enrollment in Honors or A.P. English Literature

Honors World History

Placement Test and Concurrent enrollment in Honors Intro. To Literature


AP European History

A- in World History or B+ in Honors World History

Departmental Approval

U.S. History

Completion of World History




Honors U.S. History

A in World History or B in Honors World History

Departmental Approval and Concurrent enrollment in Honors or A.P English Language


Psychology II

C in Psychology



Completion of U.S. History